Jackie Silvestri

Jackie Silvestri



Certified AFAA Group Exercise Instructor

About Coach

If you had told me when I was a kid playing basketball, or Captain of my cheerleading squad in high school, that I’d one day be a fitness instructor I probably would have laughed in your face. I always enjoyed working out and my health and fitness were important to me, but it took me a long time to get here. I grew up in a time when body image was kind of skewed, and I certainly didn’t fit the mold. I got serious about working out and eating healthier when I got engaged. Ya know gotta look and feel my best in that white dress. I started taking Hip Hop cardio classes, and meeting the instructor (now friend) of that class is what really began my journey to where I am now. My health and fitness became more and more of a priority, and my outlook shifted from looking good to feeling good. To not worry about how I compared to others. Jump to becoming a mama that wants to set an example for her kiddos (especially her daughter) that strong and healthy is the main goal and who felt a passion to share that with others, And here I am today.

Turning Point

My entire life I’ve been a perfectionist. Always doubted my abilities. Definitely my own worst enemy. Until I became a mom. Something slowly shifted in me when I suddenly had two tiny humans looking at me to set an example. It hasn’t come without mistakes. Feeling like a failure. Feeling like I had no clue what I was doing. But it also slowly forced me to shift my outlook. To tell myself I am the only one standing in my way. To want to do my absolute best to show my kids that you can do anything you put your mind to. That you can change people's lives and leave an impact on the world. I have had many moments of growth throughout my life, but becoming a mama is definitely when it all changed.

Motivation & Passion

My purpose for coaching is to make a positive impact on people's lives and help to see all they are capable of. I want to help them realize that health and fitness are not just about stats, pounds, and looking good. That it’s about living a long healthy life. Finding strength through struggle. Seeing our own value and believing in ourselves.

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